Saturday, February 23, 2013

The Emperor’s Last Stand: Before The Italian Elections, An Attempt To Tear Down Fascist Monument

by Maya Shwayder
International Business Times
His Highness Prince Ermias Sahle Selassie Haile Selassie of Ethiopia would like to speak with you, Mr. Giorgio Napolitano,
emperor of Ethiopia, Haile Selassie, has taken a personal interest in a small monument in the small town of  Affile, near Rome.
 President of Italy. Selassie, the grandson of the last emperor of Ethiopia, Haile Selassie, has taken a personal interest in a small monument in the small town of  Affile, near Rome.

Haile Selassie, who is worshiped by the Rastafarian religion as an incarnation of God, was forced to flee his country in 1936 when the Italians invaded. In 1937, the Italian viceroy in Ethiopia, General Rodolfo Graziani, retaliated against an assassination attempt on him by Ethopians by ordering the genocide of native civilians, with one of his subordinates saying, “Comrades, today is the day when we should show our devotion to our Viceroy by reacting and destroying the Ethiopians for three days. For three days I give you carte blanche to destroy and kill and do what you want to the Ethiopians.”
True to their orders, in the next three days, Italian troops killed approximately 30,000 Ethiopians in the capital, Addis Ababa. Homes were set on fire, and the servants of American and Greek expats were lynched.  Graziani earned the nickname “the Butcher of Ethiopia.”
After the end of world War II Graziani was tried as a war criminal and sentenced to 19 years in prison, but served only a few months. He died peacefully in 1955.
His name lay then dormant for decades, mentioned pretty much only by Italy’s neofascist fringe which revered him as a hero, until August 2012. That’s when the mayor of Affile, Ettore Viri, spent $160,000 in taxpayer money to erect a mausoleum to Graziani in his town, which includes the inscribed words “Fatherland” and “Honor.”
Viri is known to be a politician of the far-right ideology. According to a report from the New York Times, many of the residents still “appreciate” Benito Mussolini, the Fascist leader who led Italy into World War Two, disastrous defeat, and civil war. Viri also told the NYTimes that he keeps a bust of Graziani in his living room.
In a letter dated September 5, 2012 and sent on behalf of Prince Ermias, the Global Alliance for Justice: The Ethiopian Cause asked Napolitano to take down the mausoleum, saying, “Italy must immediately act to halt a handful of right-wing extremists from ruining Italy’s international reputation and credibility.  No park or memorial should be named in honor of Rodolfo Graziani and those who perpetuate it should be stopped from doing so.
“If someone were to paint a portrait of Mussolini on the side of the Coliseum, wouldn’t it be a national imperative to reverse that?” the letter continued.
The letter has no yet received a public response from Napolitano. A second letter from the Global Alliance, dated February 7, 2013, has also not received a response.
Watch a survivor of the 1937 Graziani massacres tell his story:
On February 19 in New York, people including an official from the Ethiopian Orthodox Church gathered outside the Italian Mission to the U.N. on Second Avenue, carrying signs that said “Dismantle the Graziani Mausoleum Now,” and “Shame on Italy.” According to Nicola DeMarco, the organizer of the protest, the demonstrators “somewhat spontaneously” demanded to speak with consular officials, and were allowed an audience with First Secretary of the Mission Giuseppe Perricone.

ለርዕሰ አድባራት ለንደን ደብረ ጽዮን ቅድስት ማርያም ቤተ ክርስቲያን አባላትና ወዳጆች ሁሉ

በስመ አብ፤ ወወልድ ወመንፈስ ቅዱስ አሐዱ አምላክ፤ አሜን!!
የሰው ልጅ መብትና ነጻነት ከእግዚአብሔር ያገኘው ነጻ ሥጦታ እንጂ መስቀልም ሆነ ጠመንጃ በያዙ ሰዎች ችሮታ የሚታደለው አይደለም!!
አባ ግርማ ከበደ
“በእኔ በኩል ይህንን የቤተ ክርስቲያንን ንብረት ይይዛል የሚባለውን ካምፓኒ እስከተው ድረሥ ሌላውን ጉዳይ ለመነጋገር ዝግጁ ነኝ” መሪጌታ ዓለማየሁ ደስታ

“ጽላቱም ሆነ ንብረቱ በእጃችን ስለሚገኝ ይህ ሕንፃ ቤተ ክርስቲያን የሚሉት ይሸጥና ድርሻችንን ወስደን ሌላ ቤተ ክርስቲያን እንመሠርታለን”
ከላይ የተመለከተው የሁለቱ ካህናት ንግግርና ገለጻ የተደመጠበት ጊዜ ሩቅ አይደለም። ሁለቱም ካህናት መግለጫውን የሰጡት ዓርብ 15 February 2013 ሲሆን አባ ግርማ ከበደ የተናገሩት በቤተ ክርስቲያኗ ውስጥ የተፈጠረውን የሰላም መታጣት አስመልክቶ መፍትሔ ለማስገኘት የሚጥሩ ሰዎች ሲያነጋግራቸው ሲሆን፤ መሪጌታ ዓለማየሁ ደግሞ ንግግሩን ያደረጉት በተመሳሳይ ዕለት በቤተ ክርስቲያኑ ቅጥር ግቢ ውስጥ በሚገኘው የመሰብሰቢያ አዳራሽ ደጋፊዎቻችን ናቸው የሚሏቸውን የተወሰኑ ካህናት፤ ምእመናንና የሰንበት ት/ቤት ወጣቶችን በድብቅ ሰብስበው የተንኮል ዕቅድ በሚሸርቡበት ወቅት ነው።
ሕዝበ ክርስቲያን ሆይ፡
ሰራተኛው ለፍቶና ጥሮ፤ ግሮ ከሚያገኘው ደምወዙና ገቢው፤ ሥራ የሌለው፤ ጡረተኛ፤ አቅመ ደካማና ልጅ አሳዳጊ ደግሞ ከሚያገኘው ድጎማና ጡረታው ላይ በመቀነስ የኦርቶዶክስ
London Ethiopian Orthodox Church
 ሃይማኖቱ ማዕከልና የሃገሩ ኢትዮጵያ ምትክ አድርጎ ለሚያያት ለንደን ደብረ ጽዮን ቅድስት ማርያም ቤተ ክርስቲያን በመለገስ ሁሉም ባደረጉት እጅግ የሚያኮራ መረባረብ £1.7 ሚሊዮን ፓውንድ በማውጣት ሕንጻ ቤተ ክርስቲያን እና ለተለያየ አገልግሎት የሚውል ትልቅ የመኖሪያ ሕንፃ ገዙ።

ከዚህም በተጨማሪ ጊዜአቸውን፤ ጉልበታቸውንና እውቀታቸውን ያለ አንዳች ጥቅምና ክፍያ ለቤተ ክርስቲያኗ አገልግሎት በማበርከት በከፍተኛ መስዋዕትነት ቤተ ክርስቲያኗን አሁን ለደረሰችበ የዕድገት ደረጃ ካበቋት በኋላ ዛሬ ባለቤቶችና በቤተ ክርስቲያኗ የወደፊት እጣ ፋንታ ላይ ወሳኝኞቹም ሆኑ ተደራዳሪዎቹ አባ ግርማ ከበደና መሪ ጌታ ዓለማየሁ ሆነዋል።
ይህ ብቻም አይደለም ለአባ ግርማም ሆነ ለመሪ ጌታ ዓለማየሁ በድምሩ በወር ከ£2.300 ፓውንድ በላይ ደምወዝ የሚከፍለውና ለሌሎችም አገልጋይ ካህናት ደምወዝ እየከፈለ የሚያኖራቸው ይኸው መኖሩንም ሊረሱት የሚሞክሩት ሕዝብ ነው።
እነ አባ ግርማ ከበደና ተከታዮቻቸው ግን ይህንን ሃቅ ንቀው በመተው ካህናት ስለሆንን ብቻ ለሕዝቡ የፈለግነውን የሃሰት ወሬ ብንነግረው አምኖ ይከተለናል በሚል እብሪት በመሞላት በሕዝቡ ውስጥ የሃሰት ወሬና ማስፈራሪያ እየነዙ ሕዝቡን ከፋፍለውና አበጣብጠው በቤተ ክርስቲያኗ የወደፊት እጣ ፋንታ ላይ ከነሱ ሌላ ማንም ወሳኝ እንዳይኖር ለማድረግ በመጣር ላይ ይገኛሉ።
በእርግጥ ሕዝበ ከርስቲያኑ ለሃይማኖቱና ለቤተ ክርስቲያኑ ባለው ታላቅ ፍቅርና ከበሬታ አንጻር ካህናቱ በሚነዙት የሃሰት ወሬ በመወናበድ የተወሰነው ክፍል ለጊዜውም ቢሆን የነሱ መሣሪያና መጠቀሚያ ሊሆን እንደሚችል መገንዘብ አዳጋች አይሆንም፤ ነገር ግን ይህ የሚሆነው የማትሞተውና ተቀብራ የማትቀረው እውነት ጎልታ እስከምትወጣ ድረስ ብቻ ነው።
ለምሳሌ ከቅርብ ጊዜ ጀምሮ ካህናቱ “ቤተ ክርስቲያንን ካምፓኒ ሊያደርጓት ነው፤ ይህም ከክርስቶስ ይለየናል፤ ቆኖና ይፈርሳል” ወ.ዘ.ተ የሚል በሬ ወለደ ውሸትን በማስወራት በሕዝቡ ውስጥ ከፍተኛ ሽብርን ይነዛሉ። ይህ ግን በእርግጥ እውነት ነው?
ቤተ ክርስቲያናችን በዚህ ሃገር የቻሪቲ ሕግ መሠረት Charitable Trust (የምግባረ ሰናይ ተቋም) ነች። ይህ የሆነበት ምክንያትም ቤተ ክርስቲያኗ በቻሪቲ ኮሚሽን ተመዝግባ የቻሪቲ ቁጥር ካላገኘች የቤተ ክርስቲያን አገልግሎቷን ለመቀጥል የሚያስችላትን ከታክስ ነጻ የሆነ ገንዘብ ከሕዝብም ሆነ ከሌላ አካል ማሰባሰብ ስለማትችል ነው።
ይህም ብቻ አይደለም ቻሪቴብል ትረስት በመሆኗ ከመንግሥት የGift Aid እና ሌሎች ድጎማዎችን የማግኘት መብትን ያስገኝላታል።
ታዲያ ቤተ ክርስቲያኗ ቻሪቴብል ትረስት ከሆነች፤ ቻሪቲ ደግሞ አትራፊ ያልሆነ የበጎ አድራጊ ድርጅት ማለት ከሆነ፤ እንዴት ብሎ ካምፓኒ ወይም አትራፊ የንግድ ድርጅት በመሆን ሁለት ተጻራሪ ነገሮች አንድ ይሆናሉ? (እዚህ ላይ ነው ካህናቱ የሕዝቡን እውቀትና የማገናዘብ ችሎታ እጅግ ዝቅ አድርገው በማየት አይንህን ጨፍንና እናሞኝህ የሚሉት)
ቤተ ክርስቲያን ያህል ቀርቶ ግለሰብም ቤት ገዝቶ ባለቤትነቱን ለሌላ ሰው በአደራ ልስጥ አይልም። አይደለም ቤትን ያህል ነገር ቴሌቪዥንም ሆነ ከዛ ያነሰ ዕቃ እንኳ ቢሆን ገዝቶ በሌላ ሰው ስም በአደራ ይያዝልኝ ብሎ የሚመርጥ ሰው የለም።
በአሁኑ ወቅት ግን በ£1.7 ሚሊዮን ፓውንድ የተገዛው የርዕሰ አድባራት ለንደን ደብረ ጽዮን ቅድስት ማርያም ቤተ ክርስቲያን ንብረት የተያዘው በ4 ሰዎች ስም ነው። ይህ ለምን ሆነ? ለምንስ ቤተ ክርስቲያኗ በራሷ ስም ንብረቷን መያዝ አልቻለችም?

Thursday, February 21, 2013

ድንቄም ምርጫ!

ከይኸነው አንተሁነኝ,,,,
የካቲት 21 2013

ላንዲት ሀገር መሰረታዊ የእድገት ሃይል ያላት የተፈጥሮ ሃብትና የሕዝቦቿ ሁለንተናዊ ብቃት ናቸው። የሕዝቦቿን ሁለንተናዊ ብቃት ለመገንባት ደግሞ ካሏት የትምህርት ተቋማትና

Ethiopian election 2013
የትምህርቱ ስርአት በተጨማሪ በሕዝቦቿ መካከል  ያለው የባህል፣ የሃይማኖትና የአኗኗር መስተጋብር የሚያበረክቱት አስተዋጽኦና በዚሁ ሳቢያም የሚገኘው ቀጥተኛ ያልሆነ የእውቀትና የልምድ አቅምና ዝውውሩ የሚናቅ አይሆንም። የተረጋጋና በመከባበር የሚመራ የሃይማኖት ስርአት፣ የአንደኛው እንቅስቃሴ ሌላኛውን በመደገፍ ላይ የተመሰረተ ማህበራዊ እንቅስቃሴ፣ ጎጂ የሆኑ ብህሎችን በማስቀረት ላይ ያተኮረና የሁሉም ብህላዊ ዕሴቶቻችን አስፈላጊነት ላይ ጥያቄ የማያነሳ ማሕበረሰብ ከሁሉም በላይ ለአንዲት ሀገር እድገት አስፈላጊዎች ናቸው።

በሌላ በኩል ደግሞ ምንም እንኳ የተፈጥሮ ሃብትና ብቃት ያለው የሰው ህይል የእድገት መሰረቶች ናቸው ቢባልም እነዚህን ሃብቶች ስርአት ባለው መልክ አቀናጅቶና አስተባብሮ መምራት የሚችል የሕዝብ አስተዳደርም ወሳኝ መሆኑ አሌ ልባል አይገባም። ያሉንን ሃብቶች ወደ ውጤት የመቀየሩ ሂደት ሳይደናቀፍ እንዲቀጥል ደግሞ ሀገሪቱ የህግን የበላይነት ያለምንም ቅድመ ሁኔታ የሚቀበል ዴሞክራሲያዊ አስተዳደርና የሕዝብን የበላይነት የሚያምን ዴሞክራሲያዊ ስርአት ሊኖራት ይገባል። ይህም ሲጠቃለል ለአንዲት ሀገር ሁለንተናዊ እድገት ቀጣይነት ዴሞክራሲና ዴሞክራሲአዊ ስርአት ወሳኝ ግብአት ነቸው ማለት ነው።
አንዳንድ ሰዎች ከዴሞክራሲ ውጭ እድገት ሊመጣ እንደሚችል አንዳንድ ሀገሮችን እየጠቀሱ ቢሞግቱም በቅርብ ጊዜያት እየወጡ ያሉ ስለ እድገት የሚያወሩ ከሂዎት ልምድ የተገኙ ተሞክሮዎችና ትንተናዎች ግን የእድገት መሰረት የሆነው ማሕበረሰብ ነፃነትና ሁሉንም ያማከለ የሃብት ክፍፍል ወሳኝ እንደሆኑ ያረጋግጣሉ። ነጻነትና የተማከለ የሃብት ክፍፍል ደግሞ ከዴሞክራሲ ፍሬዎች ዋና ዋናዎቹ መሆናቸውን ልብ ይሏል።
በሀገራችን ኢትዮጵያም ለእድገት ዋና ግብአት የሆነውን ዴሞክራሲን በወረቀት ላይ ለተመልካች እንዲመች በማስቀመጥና የነጻነትን አስፈላጊነትም በሚዲያ በመልፈፍ  ወያኔ ተወዳዳሪ አልተገኘለትም። የዴሞክራሲ ውጤት የሆነው ነፃ ምርጫም ለወያኔ የፕሮፓጋንዳ አንዱ ጭራ እንጅ  የህግ የበላይነት የሚታይበት፣ የሕዝብ አሸናፊነት የሚታወጅበት፣ የምርጫ ቦርድ ገለልተኛነት የሚገለጽበትና የምርጫ ታዛቢዎች ሳይሸማቀቁ ያዩትን የህሊና ፍርድ የሚሰጡበት መድረክ አይደለም። ይልቅስ ወያኔ ሲመቸው  እየታገለ ሳይመቸው እያጭበረበረ የሚጋልብበት ነጻ የግሉ ሜዳ እንጅ።
የወያኔ ምርጫ ተሳታፊዎች የተወሰኑት ከምርጫ በፊት በሰበብ አስባቡ የሚገፉ ውድድር ተብየው ውስጥ የገቡትም ቢሆኑ ወያኔ የፈቀደውን ያህል የምርጫ ድምጽ የሚሰጡ እንጅ የሕዝባቸውን እውነተኛ ድምጽ የሚያገኙ እይደሉም አልነበሩምም። ይህን ለማረጋገጥ ሩቅ መሄድ አያስፈልገንም በቅርቡ የወያኔው አፈ ቀላጤ የምርጫ ህጉ ይከበር ብለው ጥያቄ ስላነሱት 33 ተቃዋሚ ፓርቲዎች የተናገረውን ብቻ መጥቀስ በቂ ይሆናልና።
ሰላሳ ሶስቱ ተቃዋሚ ፓርቲዎች (በሗላ ላይ ቁጥራቸው በሶስት ወይም ባራት ቀንሷል) ባነሱት የምርጫ ህግ ይከበር ጥያቄ ላይ ተንተርሶ የተናገረው የወያኔው አፈ ቀላጤ “ተቃዋሚዎች ኖሩም አልኖሩም በምርጫው ላይ ብዙ ለውጥ አይኖርም” ነበር አለው። ይህን በብዙ መልኩ መተንተን ይቻል ይሆናል ባጭሩ ግን መልክቱ ተቃዋሚዎች ኖሩም አልኖሩም ምራጫውን በምንፈልገው መልኩ የምናስኬደው እኛ ወያኔዎች ነን፣ ተቃዋሚዎች ኖራችሁም አልኖራችሁም ውጤቱ ታውቋል፣ ተቃዋሚዎችን የምንፈልጋችሁ ላሯሯጭነት ብቻ ነውና ሌሎችንም ማለት እንደሆነ መገመት ከወያኔና አገዛዙ ጋር ከለሁለት አስርት ዓመታት በላይ ለቆየ ማንኛውም ዜጋ የሚያስገርም አይሆንም።
ባለፉት የወያኔ ምርጫዎች መታዘብ እንደተቻለው በእንደዚህ ያሉ ኩነቶች ወቅት ወያኔ የሚገርሙ ድርጊቶችን ባጋጣሚ ሳይሆን ሆን ብሎ፣ በማንአለብኝነት ሲተገብር ቆይቷል እየተገበረም ነው። ከዚህ በፊት ወያኔን ወክለው በይስሙላ ምርጫው ላይ ተሳትፈው የነበሩ ዜጎችን ያለ ምንም ጭንቀት ሕዝብን በመናቅ ገለልተኛ ነኝ እያለ እራሱን በሚያታልለው የወያኔ ምርጫ ቦርድ ውስጥ እንዲሰገሰጉ በማድረግ የወያኔን አሸናፊነት ህጋዊ ሽፋን እንዲሰጡ ሲያደርግ መቆየቱና እያደረገም መሆኑ በማስረጃ ተረጋግጧል።
ከዚህም በተጨማሪ ወያኔ የሚተማመንበትና ኩኩ ብሎ የሚታዘዝ ለማግኘት እርግጠኛ ሳይሆን ሲቀር ከዚህ በፊት የሚያውቃቸውን መልካም ታዛዦቹን ከከፍተኛ ወታደራዊ ስልጣን ሳይቀር አውርዶ በእንደዚህ አይነቶቹ የቀልድ ምርጫዎች ላይ ተሳትፈው አሸነፋችሁ እንዲባሉ ሲያደርግ መቆየቱ ያደባባይ ሚስጥር ነው። ከዚህ እጅግ የከፋውና ቀልድ ለማለትም የሚያስቸግረው ደግሞ ወያኔ  ሰሞኑን ለወረዳና አካባቢ ምርጫ እያደረገው ነው የተባለው ነው።  ባደባባይ ከአምስት ሚሊዮን በላይ አባላት እንዳሉት የሚለፈው ወያኔ በተለይ በአዲስ አበባ ለምርጫ የሚያቀርበው በመቸገሩ የተለያዩ መስሪያ ቤቶች ሃላፊዎችን ለምርጫ ለማቅረብ ወስኖ ማስመዝገቡ እየተወራ ይገኛል። ይህ ማለት ደግሞ ሁሉም የሕዝብ አገልግሎት የሚሰጥባቸው ተቋማት ሙሉ በሙሉ በወያኔ ቁጥጥር ስር መሆናቸውን ያረጋግጣል ማለት ነው።
ከዚህ በፊት አንዳንድ መስሪያ ቤቶች ሙሉ በሙሉ ወይም እጅግ በጣም የሚበዛው የስልጣን ቦታቸው በህወሃትና ወያኔዎች መወረሩ በጥናት መረጋገጡና መገለጹ የሚታወቅ ሲሆን በሰሞኑም ወያኔ ለይስሙላ ምርጫው በሚያደርገው እንቅስቃሴ ሌሎች ቀሪ የሕዝበ አገልግሎት ተቋማትም ቢሆኑ ሙሉ በሙሉ  በራሱ ቁጥጥር ስር መሆናቸውን እንደከዚህ ቀደሙ ጥናት ሳያስፈልግ  ወይም ማንም ሳይጠይቀው በራሱ መንገድ ወያኔ አረጋግጧል። ይህም ማለት ወያኔ በሁሉም መስሪያ ቤቶች ሰርጎ ገብቶ የወያኔውን ምርጫ ቦርድን ሳይቀር በራሱ ሰዎች መቶ በመቶ ተቆጣጥሮ የፈለገውን እየገፋ ያሻውን እያወጣ ቀጥሏል። ስለዚህም ተቃዋሚ ፓርቲዎች ሕዝብን እንወክላለን እስካሉ ድረስ እንደዚህ ካሉ ቀድመው ከተጠናቀቁ የይስሙላ ምርጫዎች ይልቅ ሕዝባዊ እምቢተኝነትን በማጠናከር ሕዝቡ ለመብቱ እንዲነሳና ነፃነቱን ራሱ እንዲያስከብር ለማድረግ የበኩላቸውን መወጣት ከሕዝባዊ ተወካይነታቸው በተጨማሪ የዜግነት ግዴታቸው ነው። አበቃሁ።

ከቫንኮቨር ፀደንያ ቅድስት ማሪያም ቤተክርስትያን የተሰጠ የአቋም መግለጫ

በስመ አብ በወልድ ወመንፈስ ቅዱስ አሀዱ አምላክ አሜን!!በሕጋዊውና በብፁእ አቡነ መርቆሪዮስ የሚመራው የኢትዮዽያ ኦርቶዶክስ ተዋህዶ ቤተክርስቲያን ያስተላለፈዉን የአቋም መግለጫ ስለመደገፍ፡፡
ለአምላካቸዉ ለእግዚአብሄር አምላክነት በግልፅ ስለመሰከሩና ስለተጋደሉ አባቶቻችን በቅዱሳን መጻህፍት እንደተፃፈው በብሉይ ኪዳን ነቢያት አባቶቻችን ፣ በአዲስ ኪዳን ሐዋሪያት
አባቶቻችን ፣ ባደረጉት ተጋድሎዎች ተጠብቆ የኖረዉን ስርዓት እኛም በዚህ ዘመን የምንገኝ በክርስቶስ ደም የቆመችዉን የኢትዮዽያ ኦርቶዶክስ ቤተክርስቲያናችንን ዶግማና ቀኖናዋን ሳይፋረስ የመጠበቅና የማስጠበቅ ብሎም ለትውልድ የማስተላልፈ ክርስቲያናዊ አደራ አለብን፡፡

በመሰረቱ ወደ ኋላ ዞር ብልን ስንመለከት የትኛውም ነብይ ወይንም ሐዋሪያ ምንም አይነት ፈተና ሳያገኝ ቅድስናን ወይንም ነብይነትን የተቀበለ የለም፡፡ አንገታቸውን ለሰይፍ ፣ ቆዳቸውን ለስለት፣ ሰውነታቸውን በድንጋይ ተወግረው ስለ እግዚሃቢሄር አመላክነት ለመመስከር ሕይወታቸውን መስዋእት በማድረግ ይህንን ሃይማኖታችንን ለቀጣዩ ትውልድ አቆይተውልናል፡፡
ታዲያ እኛም ዛሬ እንደ አባቶቻችን የቤተ ክርስቲያናችን ጉዳይ ያገባናል እንላለን፡፡ ለመላው የኢትዮጵያ ኦርቶዶክስ ቤተክርስቲያን አማኞች አወዛጋቢ የነበረው የሁለቱ ሲኖዶሶች ጉዳይ በእርቅና በሰላም መንገድ እንዲፈታ ከቤተክርስቲያንዋ አብራክ የወጡት ወገኖቻችን ላለፉት ሶስት አመታት የእርቁን ሂድት ሲያካሂዱ እንደነበር በዜና ማሰራጫዎች በስፋት ሲነገርበትና ስንከታተለው ሰንብተናል፡፡
ከጅምሩ በቅንነትና ለአንድንት ያልትንሳውና የመንግስት እጅ ያለበት የአዲስ አበባው ሲኖዶስ በአባ ዻውሎስ እልፈት የተፈጠረውን አጋጣሚ ተጠቅሞ ያለ አግባብ በቀድሞው የወያኔው ጠቅላይ ሚኒስተር በነብሩት በአቶ ታምራት ላይኔ ትእዛዝ የተናደውን የቤተክርስትያንዋን ቀኖና እንደማስትካከል ዛሬም እነ አባይ ፀሀይ በሃይማኖታችን ጣልቃ በመግባት የእርቁን ሂደት ሳይቋጭ አዲስ ፓትሪያርክ ለመሾም እየትዘጋጁ ይገኛሉ፡፡ የዛሬ ዋና መልእክታችን በገሀድ እየተፈፀመና እየተነገረ ያለዉን ለኦርቶዶክስ ምእመናን በድጋሚ ለማሰማት ሳይሆን በስደት የሚገኘው ሕጋዊው ሲኖዶስ ያወጣውን መግልጫ ሙሉ በሙሉ እንደምንደግፍ ለማሳወቅ እና ዛሬም እንደትላንትናዉ ከአባቶቻችን ጎን በፅናት እንደምንቆም እኛ የፀደንያ ቅድስት ማሪያም ልጆቻቸው በአንድ ድምፅ እንገልፃለን፡፡
ልማት ማለት የነበረዉን እየናዱ ታሪክን እየደመሰሱ ከሆነ ጥፋት እንጂ ልማት አንለዉም፡፡ ለዘመናት የቆየዉንና እንደ ሀገር ቅርስ የሚታየዉን ቤተክርስቲያናችንን እያፈራረሱ የሸንኮራ ተክል መትከል ማለት የሀገርን ሀዉልትና የታሪክ አሻራን ከምጥፋት ለይተን አናየውም፡፡ እንደዋልድባ ከመሳሰሉት ገዳማት ሙሁሮችና ሊቆች የሚፈልቁበት ስፍራ በልማት ስም ማፈራረስ ማለት ጅረቱን ለማቆም ምንጩን ማድረቅ እንደሚሉት ሁሉ ይህ የሀይማኖት፣የባህልና የአገር ማጥፋት ሴራ ክርስትያን ወገኖች ልናስተዉልና በጋራ ልንቋቋመው የሚገባ ጉዳይ ነው፡፡
ዛሬም ለዚህች አገር በውጪው አለም ተሰደው ወያኔ በቤተክርስቲያናችን ዉስጥ የሚያደርገውን ጣልቃ ገብነት እያጋለጡና እየተፋለሙ ኢትዮጵያዊነትን እንደ ችቦ አቀጣጥለው ለቀጣዩ ተውልድ እያስትላልፉ ያሉት አባቶቻችን ትላንትም የጣሊያንን የጠላት ሀይል ታቦትና ካህናትን ጭምር በመያዝ መስዋዕትነትን ከፍለው አኛ ልጆቻቸው በነፃነትና በክብር እንድንኖር ያደረጉት እነኚሁ አባቶቻችን ናቸው፡፡ ታዲያ ከዚህ አብራክ የወጣው ትውልድ ግን አገርና ሀይማኖት ሲጠፋ በየምክንያቱ ተከፋፍሎ አንገቱን ደፍቶ በባይተዋርነት መኖርን የመረጠ ይመስላል፡፡
ከፊታችን ለተጋረጠው ችግር ዝምታና አንገት መድፋቱ መፍተሄ አንደማይሆን አውቀን እውነተኞች ኢትዮጵያውያንና የኢትዮጵያ ኦርቶዶክስ ልጆች እርስ በእርስ ያለውን ንትርክ ትተን ለአገራችንና ለቤተክርስቲያናችን ቅድሚያ በመስጠት እጅ ለእጅ ተያይዘን አጥፊውን በአንድነት እንቋቋም ብለን ጥሪያችንን እናቀርባልን፡፡
እግዚአብሄር አምላካችን ቤተክርስቲያናችንን እና አገራችንን ኢትዮጵያን ይጠብቅልን፡፡
ከፀደንያ ቅድስት ማሪያም ቤተክርስቲያን
ቫንኮቨር, ብሪቲሽ ኮሎምብያ

TPLF: Too undemocratic to split

by Tesfay Atsbeha
It is being disseminated that a certain group of the TPLF and Bereket are trying to purge some veteran members of the TPLF. Purges are not new in the TPLF, but it is a break from the tradition of the TPLF, if a group has really disclosed its intention before taking an irrevocable measure.

Ambush and pre-emptive attack

One aspect of the tradition of the TPLF, which is devoid of any transparency and accountability was that the perpetrators
Revolutionary Democracy in Ethiopia
prepare their intrigues to harm their victims without informing the targeted victims and the rank-and-file-members of the TPLF and purge (as they did to Aregawi and Ghidey in 1985, to Seeye, Gebru Tewelde etc in 2001) or liquidate their victims (Abera Manka, Hagos Haileselassie etc0in 1977/78 and Teklu Hawaz in 1985). In all the cases mentioned, the victims did not get a fair chance to express their opinions and this practice of injustice applies to many others.

To put it in military terminologies, the protagonists behaved as if they had to ambush their victims. They launched surprise attacks against their victims whenever the latter list expected the attacks. Another aspect of the tradition pertains to the fact that the perpetrators used to go over to a pre-emptive attack, whenever they felt insecure and feared being held accountable for crimes or feared losing power. Accusing Kinnjit was for instance a pre-emptive attack. Those who ordered the massacre and those who executed the order after the election should have been accused, but the killer framed the accusation to pre-empt his exposition and the mobilization of the people against him. This also shows that conflict resolutions in the TPLF have always been zero-sum-games. On the surface, the perpetrators seem to achieve their aims with dishonest accusations. In reality, it is the use and threat of physical force (the control of the army) which enables them to implement deceptive measures which they try to sell as sophistication and smartness.
During the armed struggle, they (the perpetrators) used to inform others after the fait accompli to justify their measures and silence any potential expression of any grievances in the case of purges. They kept liquidations secrete with the exception of that of Teklu. With the murders they committed in 1977/78, the perpetrators succeeded in making the none-CC members of the TPLF as apolitical as the weapons the latter carry by destroying mutual trust and instilling a feeling of suspicion and fear amongst the fighters of the TPLF. The evaluations (Gmgemas) are mainly meant to maintain the atmosphere of insecurity by forcing everybody control everybody else reciprocally.
A few individuals in the TPLF have been exploiting the lack of a democratic culture and consciousness amongst the members to maintain their repressive rule. Such individuals are perpetuating the undemocratic culture. In this connection, most members of the TPLF are victims, objects of experiment for tyranny and tools of the oppressors at the same time. The few who are in charge of the TPLF have the key (an organized and armed force) to control Ethiopia. They are controlling almost all key positions in Ethiopia that their dominance is too unjust to be tolerable and sustainable. As this lopsided ethnic relationship is the objective reality, exposing and opposing it should be the duty of any democrat. Objectively exposing the repressive and corrupt practices of the Tigrayan elite is not an attack on the people of Tigray. But there are also people who generalize. On both sides, some generalize deliberately, others innocently or due to their inability to differentiate.
Now, coming back to the alleged split, Sebhat Nega, in an interview with Dawit Solomon of Fnote Democracy (posted on 31 January 2013 in zehabesha) has said part of the truth, in saying that the TPLF has never experienced a split. The whole truth is that there were splits in the leadership, but no splits of the whole organization, because the none-CC-members have neither the right to make decisions nor the right to get information on the issues prior to the decisions. Generally, armed undemocratic organisations (like fascists, Stalinists and religious fanatics), do not split, because the leaders do not inform their members about their differences of opinion and let the members freely discuss as well as take sides on the issues. What the perpetrators do always is take measures on the dissidents and spread lies about them. And this was what the leadership of the TPLF has been doing so far.
Sebhat is trying to hide the fact that the TPLF is too undemocratic even to split. The clique which controls the TPLF cannot tolerate any differences of opinion even within itself and that is why it subordinated itself to a single tyrant. Of course, a split would certainly have entailed war, since no independent groups would have tolerated each other. If the Sebhat clique were sincere and had confidence in the correctness of the decisions it arrived at, it would allowed the members of the Front to participate in the process of decision making. Since the clique is used to depriving its own members of their rights, it is depriving all Ethiopians of an alternative and harassing the opposition.
After speaking a single sentence with a partial truth, Sebhat resorted to his lies. He claimed that he and his cohorts are used to discussing as long as it takes, to iron out their differences. Meles gave a similar disinformation in the summer of 1998 while he, in violation of the regulations of the organization, was preparing to purge almost half of the members of the CC of the TPLF. The example Sebhat gave about a long discussion with Ghidey Zeratsion is utter nonsense. Ghidey and Aregawi, while expressing their opinions within the CC, were not aware that the Meles/Sebhat clique was preparing to get rid of them and there were no formal discussions amongst members not belonging to the CC on the issue before the purges. One of the reasons for the expulsion of Ghidey was his mild opposition to the Marxist rhetoric (the tactic not the strategy) so that the aid from the West may not be affected. The whole rhetorical jargon and the aim were totally abandoned after his expulsion.
In a similar manner, the claim by Sebhat that incompetent members are expelled does not correspond to the truth. The victims are mainly those who empress their opinions. By the way, why should incompetence, if that were the case, be a crime? Why are individuals who served the TPLF suddenly treated as enemies? The truth is, while incompetent people can be marginalized without being incriminated through elections in a democratic organization, those who control the TPLF are interested in blind loyalty so that they can maintain their power and their economic advantages.
Differences of opinion within an armed organization and differences between armed organizations in Ethiopia are resolved eventually by intrigues and force and/or the threat of it. No major organization waging an armed struggle has restrained itself from going to war against any other in the recent past in Ethiopia. Therefore there is no basic difference between the feudal lords of the era of the princes and the present war mongers when it comes to attempts at monopolizing power by force. In spite of the similarities in intolerance, the present politicians are more hypocritical than the feudal lords of the past; because the present ones understand the concept of democracy and pay only lip service to it unlike those of the past who lived in an era in which democracy was unknown in the region. Even in the absence of modernity, Emperor Yohannes and King (later Emperor) Menilik were unique in their tolerance of each other and in avoiding war between them. Those who are agitating ethnic enmity should learn from the responsible behaviour of both emperors.1

Who are the contending groups, if there are any?

We can talk about the groups, irrespective of whether or not the individuals have formed groups. One alleged group is supposed to include Sebhat, Abay, Seyoum, Tsegay and Qedusan. The first three (they will henceforth be called the trio.) are the most veteran, but also responsible for many cases of crimes against humanity and corruption. They were the individuals along with Meles who started their career in the armed struggle with an anti-Ethiopian and undemocratic obsession. They wrote a manifesto for the secession of Tigray from Ethiopia and undemocratically kept other members of the TPLF in the dark about the content. Despite their manifesto, they ironically became the rulers of Ethiopia and continued committing crimes.
If the other group includes Bereket, he is a liability to his group. Azeb can get sympathy from some Meles Voodoo (spirit) worshipers. For critical minds, Azeb is a negative symbol of corruption linking her husband, the trio and a few others. The fact that Azeb, without a corresponding qualification controls EFFORT, such a business conglomerate worth billions of dollars and the fact that she is the only female member of the politburo of the TPLF is an evidence of nepotism. Since Azeb got her position by virtue of being the wife of Meles, Meles was involved in this act of corruption. Pardon! He was involved in his own words, in acts of pervasive rent seeking and patronage, as is also the case with his political corruption of claiming an election victory exceeding 99% of the seats. EFFORT, which came into being with stolen (withheld) aid money, is basically a colossal evidence of the corruption of the TPLF mafia clique. (A propos aid, the best way for a fair distribution of aid under the rule of the EPRDF is to make an arrangement for the opposition and the EPRDF to mutually control each other. It is impossible for the donors to control the abuse of aid by the

Several people have proposed that EFFORT should be controlled by external auditors. But I think any attempt at controlling is useless as long as our people are not free. It is only with the prevalence of freedom that any control can make sense.
Notwithstanding the facts mentioned above, it is worth pointing out that many young Ethiopians have been so indoctrinated by the monopolized media outlets that they don’t perceive the evilness of the incumbent.

Possible results of the conflict

Abay woldu, in an angry speech after the death of Meles, had implied some sort of a conflict. If his anger was provoked by the suggestion that the loyal dissidents like Tsadkan should be readmitted into the TPLF, it does not make sense. His fear could not have been caused by the reintegration of the dissidents, but rather by the danger that someone would manipulate and dominate the TPLF to his disadvantage.
Some latecomers in the TPLF leadership positions cannot, with the presumption of innocence, be considered as criminals (by commission). A single tyrant is not controlling Ethiopia for the first time in our modern history and that is in itself a welcome development; although the whole system has yet to be changed for the better. The new initiative of an open conflict may be resolved in several ways and entail different outcomes or it may bring nothing. The best solution would be for all members of the EPRDF, as a whole, to eventually participate in free discussions, get rid of the criminal and corrupt elements and democratically elect a new leadership. Is this a wishful thinking? That may be the case, but it is worth wishing, provided those who can make the change, especially the unprivileged members who make up an overwhelming majority of the army share the wish of abolishing the totalitarian regime and respecting the rights of all Ethiopians.
1 : In my opinion, those who attack emperors Yohannes and Menilik – the former mostly muslin extremists the latter narrow ethnic nationalists – belong to the most destructive elements amongst Ethiopians. I was shocked when I heard a person in the current Affairs pal talk room, on 13 February 2013, expressing his Schadenfreude at the barbaric beheading of emperor Yohannes by the dervishes. The attack on emperor Menilik revolves around his alleged policy of dividing Tigrayans. This accusation should have been buried at least after the Tigrayans on both sides of the Mereb came to power and consolidated the division.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

To Ato Abay Weldu, President of Tigray Region

Mr. President;
I have little doubt that one way or the other this piece is going to make it to your office, at least considering the many
To Ato Abay Weldu, President of Tigray Region
 operatives you have buzzing the worldwide web. I am writing as a concerned individual on the ongoing destruction of Raya by your Adwa administration. Of course, I am well aware that your office and that of your predecessors have been implored repeatedly though to no avail. Still I want to dispatch this to your office.

In my previous post, I showed how the Adwa occupiers have systematically targeted the Raya community and produced a destruction that has no parallels in history. Under ordinary circumstances, such destructions are to be expected in an open warfare involving weapons of high ruinous capability. What makes it extraordinary is its design by the most brilliant minds of destruction as a damage of such magnitude was inflicted and successfully mummed for a long time.
This time, I am not going to present another data since it would be “diqhabarisya arda-e”, as it is said in Raya. I am rather encouraged by your recent distribution of tents for those made homeless by the demolition and permitting them to erect it on the rubbles of their previous homes. Even though the act exactly mirrors the Palestinians situation, it still is far better than trying to live in the open air (recall that some families comprise up to 10 members). I will try to list just few burning issues that demand your urgent action. I hope I am not asking too much.
Stop the killing and harassment of innocents. It is just beyond comprehension why an Adwa man would engage in a killing rampage against those who never complained his domination. People are murdered, harassed or humiliated on a daily basis all across Raya. Halt this immediately. The other week, Gidey Deribew, a prominent and successful business man in Alamata town is murdered by the Adwa death squad in the usual sophisticated operation.
Mr. President, I ask your good office to make a series investigation into this and bring the killers to justice. I mean if you are not part of the killing machine. Of course, the full list of those murdered at different times, including ranking TPLF officers will be made public. Thanks to technology, it is also possible to establish the cause of death in post-mortem whether it is by a Polonium, mustard or any other poison or physical suffocation. This truth will be revealed in due time.
Immediately release all the victims you incarcerated. Under your full knowledge and blessing, the Adwa administration have demolished thousands of properties and made tens of thousands homeless in just few days. As if that is not enough, the Adwa savages have incarcerated the victims and are currently being tortured in the most brutal form in Adwa-run especial prisons.
Obviously, you are well aware that those belongings bulldozed took years of hard work to build and were the livelihood of the tens of thousands displaced. If it was built with “EFFORT’ or other blood money that you see in Adi-abun or Enticho, the residents would not have complained in the first place.  A minimal peaceful compliant to the demolition of a belonging is not a treason or other serious crime that warrants torture.
We demand self-governance. As you know very well, one of the key issues that gave birth to the Raya Weyane of the 1930’s was the question of self-governance. The inhabitants of the time felt that locally elected leaders are more inclined, among other things, to understand issues pertinent to the Raya population address them more amicably and efficiently. What a far-away appointee can do is no clearer than what the Adwa brutes have caused in Raya over the span of just a decade. Paradoxically, the idea of self-rule is on the constitution of the government.  Mr. President, we demand you to take note of your constitution and replace the illegitimate and irrational Adwans by elected locals leaders.
We demand our fair share from Tigray state. Raya never complained as the Adwans went as outrageous as diverting UNDP funds for irrigation project in Raya into building an “echo-tourism” in Adwa and this on a none-existent echo-system. It is not hard to imagine what you would have been done if Adwa had the resources of Raya. We demand our fair share not only from such UN funds, but also from the Tigray budget allocated by the central government. We also demand to have equal representation and equal say on the state matters as well as on national levels.
Mr. President.
This is not the first time that Raya has come under the control of far-away appointees. The difference is that unlike todays ruthless, incompetent and illiterate Adwans, the previous ones are more capable, more caring, self-respecting and friendly on personal level. If the rebellion of the 1930’s was triggered by injustice, the current discriminations and destructions actually invite for more than that. My hope is that as it is never too late your office will not sit and watch the irreversible transformation of Tigray into unnecessary state.

The ESAT Society: Ethiopian Satellite Television

by Teklu Abate

Established on April 24, 2010 “to promote free press, democracy, respect for human rights and the rule of law in

Ethiopian Satellite Television (ESAT logo)
 Ethiopia”, the Ethiopian Satellite Television Service (ESAT) becomes one of the most trusted and reliable broadcast media. ESAT has its main studio in Amsterdam and branch studios in Washington D.C. and London. Its radio and television programmes cover nearly all socio-economic, cultural and political issues and topics. The major audience is the Ethiopian majority who happens to suffer from lack of credible and non-partisan media. In just nearly three years and despite serious interference by the Ethiopian government, ESAT is successfully creating a society of its own. A society who longs for freedom of all kinds, rule of law, and democratic governance in Ethiopia.

In this paper, I first try to highlight the various roles ESAT is playing to meet its objectives. Well, one could argue that its role is one and one- to be an independent and credible voice to the voiceless. This is obvious but my focus is on the specific roles ESAT is playing in its effort to reach its audience. Through such an exposition, it is possible to better meter to what extent ESAT services are being delivered to a variety of people. In the second part of the paper, I raise some important issues and challenges that should attract ESAT’s and the audience’s attention for a much higher impact. The issues and challenges may relate to the services and future engagements.
My motivation to write this paper is related to ESAT fund raising events taking place in several European cities. Europe is being astounded by the famous and all-times trusted human rights activist, Tamagn Beyene. Discussions among friends and families in Europe are about ESAT and Tamagn. My discussion with a friend of mine stimulated the write up of this paper. Generally, the paper has that purpose of 1) commending ESAT for its services so far, and 2) suggesting other ways of scaling up and sustaining its services.

ESAT Roles

The following roles presumably characterize ESAT as an independent voice for the voiceless. Mainly because of the multitude of roles it plays, ESAT managed to stand stronger and taller than before. Keeping up and expanding those roles is crucial for its future existence.

Distance breacher

ESAT is a particularly useful asset for the Ethiopian Diaspora who is living thousands of miles away from home. Living and working abroad for an indefinite time is a challenge for the many. They feel detached from their country and feel unable to contribute. Even government communicators argue that the Diaspora play an alien politics because they have no first-hand touch with reality in Ethiopia. But now and thanks to ESAT, we feel as if we reside in Ethiopia. We hear and see Ethiopians from North to South, West to East part of the country talking on ESAT. We feel as if we are brought closer to Ethiopia. That is because distance is breached by ESAT.

Reliable friend

Due to work and other obligations, Ethiopian Diaspora seem to have limited time to spend in a social milieu. And in several cities, even husband and wife do not have much time to spend together. That may create a sense of loneliness and detachment. Thanks to advances in smartphone and tablet technologies, ESAT demonstratively plays a role of a reliable and credible friend. At work, on our way, at home and elsewhere, ESAT is with us. That creates a sense of up-to-datedness, community, and freedom.

የታማኝ ጥሪ ለተቃዋሚ ኃይል መሪዎች – ታማኝነት ያፈራውን ህዝባዊ ፍቅር ተረከቡኝ ነው

“ህዝቡ መሪዎችን ተጣራ! … ሳትሰሙ ብትቀሩ ግን ግፍ ይሆናል! … እኔ ተራው ሰው ይህንን የህዝብ ጥያቄ የመሸከም አቅሙም ብቃቱም የለኝም! የመነጋገሪያና የመደማመጫ ጊዜያችሁ አሁን ነው! እባካችሁን?!” በማለት የተቃዋሚ ኃይሎችን እንደ ድርጅት የህዝብን ፍላጎት እንዲረከቡና እንዲመሩ ከሰበዕዊ መብት ተሟጋቹ ከአርቲስት ታማኝ በዬነ ጋር በተደረገው ቃለ ምልለስ ከኢሳት Feb 18, 2013 ከዕለታዊ ዜና ጋር አዛምዶ ጋዜጠኛ ፋሲል የኔዓለም ካቀረበው የተወሰደ።
“ህዝብ መሪዎችን ተጣራ!” መንገድ ጠራጊው ለአዲስ ምዕራፍ – ብሄራዊ የፍቅር ጥሪ አቀረበ!
ሥርጉተ ሥላሴ 19.02.2013
ወይ ጉዴ ዛሬ ደግሞ እንዴትና እንዴት አድርጌ ነው ላቀርበው ያሰብኩት ይሆን … እም! ስገርም
የሰብዕዊ መብት ተሟጋቹ አርቲስት ታማኝ በዬነ ከእኛም ሲዊዘርላንድ መጥቶ በነበረበት ጊዜ የተናገረው አንድ ኃይለ ቃል ነበር። „ …ሰው ጠፋና እኔ ሰው ሆኜ ለእኔ እንዲህ
Artist Tamagne Beyene on ESAT News
 ትወድቃላችሁ ትነሳላችሁ …“ እኔ ይህን ሲል … እኔን! አፍር ልብላልህ አልኩኝ። እራሴ ሥርዓቱን በቪዲዮም እዬቀረጽኩት፤ በተጨማሪም በድምጽ መቅረጫም እዬቀዳሁት መሆኔን ዘንግቼ። ትናንትና ሳዳምጠው የእኔንም ድምጽም ቀድቶታል። የቀደሙት ሐዋርያትና ሰማዕታት „እኔ ትቢያ እኔ ታናሽ ስሆን ይሉ ነበር።“ ላቅ ያለ አብነት ነው። እንዲህ ዝቅ ማለት። እራስን ማዋራድ ~ ጸጋ ነው። እራስን ዝቅ ሲያደርጉ ህዝቡ የአንተ ሥፍራ ይህ አይደለም ብሎ፤ ቦታውን አደላድሎ፤ ወዶና ፈቅዶ የመረጠውን ከፍቅሩ ማህደር ያስቀምጣል። ለአርቲስት ታማኝ በዬነ ቦታውን የመደበለት፤ የደለደለለት ህዝቡ እራሱ ነው። በፈቃዱ ወዶና ደስ ብሎት ነው የሰጠው።

ስለዚህ ወንድሜ ታማኝ በዬነ በዚህ ሊሸማቀቅበት አይገባውም ባይ ነኝ። ከዚህች ቃል ኪዳናዊ ስጦታ ፈቀቅ ያለ ዕለት ግን ያን ጊዜ  ቢከብደው፤ ቢሳነው ይገባል እንጂ አሁንማ … ደስ ብሎት በሐሤት ሊቀበለው ይገባል። አክብሮ በተግባር ሊከበክበው ይገባል። የህዝብን ልዩ ሥጦታ ሊያስመቸውም ይገባል። አርቲስት ታማኝ በዬነ ግበረ – ሰላም አስገብቶ፤ ሊጋባ አሰልፎ፤ ወይንም ሽልንጓን ዘርዘር – መንዘር አድርጎ በነፍስ ወከፍ ስለአደለ አይደለም የህዝብን ፍቅር ተንበርክኮ እንዲህ የሚዘቀው፤ በነጠረ ድርጊቱ ብቻ ነው። ያገኘውን ህዝባዊ ፍቅርንበቅጡ ማስተዳደር የመቻል አቅሙ ሥልጡን በመሆኑ ነው። የሚታይ የሚጨበጥ ዕውነት አንጡራ ንብረቱ በመሆኑ ነው። ለህዝብ ዕንባ ታማኝና ቋሚ አገልጋይ በመሆኑ ነው።
እጅግ የማከብራችሁ የጹሑፌ ታዳሚዎች … ወደ እርእስ ጉዳዬ ከመግባቴ በፊት ግን ስለ አዬሁት ነገር ትንሽ ምስክርነት ቢጤ ብሰጥ መልካም ነው። ሙንሽን ውስጥ እንዲህ ቅልጥ ያለ የኢትዮጵውያን ህዝባዊ ስብሰባ ሲካሄድ ይህ የመጀመሪያው ነው። የእስልምና እህቶቻችንም እንዲህ በብዛት ወጥተው ትግሉን ሲቀላቀሉ ሳይም ይህ የመጀመሪያ ጊዜ ነው። በተረፈ ሙንሽን የታደለ ነው። ዓላማቸውን ጠንቅቅው የሚያውቁ፤ ከፍላጎታችው ጋር ያልተላለፉ፤ ፍላጎታቸውን ጽላታቸው ያደረጉ፤ የህዝብን መዋዕለ ሃብት ሆነ መክሊት በአግባቡ የሚመሩና የሚያስተዳደሩ ብቻ ሳይሆን ብቃትን በአግባቡ ጥቅም ላይ በመዋል ረገድ አንቱዎች ያሉበት ከተማ ነው። እኔ በዓይኔ አይቻለሁ – መስክሬያለሁም። ሙንሽን የተግባር ጀግኖች ያሉበት ቦታ ስለሆነ ውጤቱ እንደ ሰማችሁትና እንዳያችሁት ሆኗል። ነገም …
አሁን ወደ የምወዳት ከተማ ወደ ፍራንክፈርት አማይን አብረን እንጓጓዝ። የትኬት አትጠየቁም። እሺ! አንድ ሚስጢር ላውጣ መሰል … ፍራንክፈርቶች ቀናተኞች ናቸው። ወንድሞቻችን ከሙንሽን እዬሄዱ ትግሉን ሲመሩ፤ ሲያስተባብሩና ሰያግዙ እኛ እያለን ስለምን? ሲሉ ከትግሉ ተቆርቋሪዎች አድምጫለሁ። ለምን ተበለጥን? ማለት ለመስዋዕትንት ከሆነ በጣም አዎንታዊ ነው። በተረፈ ቀደም ባለው ጊዜ ፍራንክፈርት አማይን የኢትዮጵያ ኮምኒቲው እራሱ ስንት በተግባር የተባ ክንውን ፈጽሟል መሰላችሁ። በአጎራባች ሀገሮች እዬተጠራ የልምድ ልውውጥም ያደርግ ነበር የፍራንክፈርቱ አማይን ዬኢትዮጵያ ኮሚኒቲ።

Bottom feeders of tyranny: Lazy journalist and propaganda Medias

When we Ethiopians treat adult journalists that act as toddlers in a dipper it isn’t their fault but, ours. The havoc they cause on society in the service of tyranny is because we treat them as an adult; it is inexcusable. Expecting toddlers with crayon to keep the house clean is like expecting tyranny not to lie; it is complete madness.
by Teshome Debalke
The conventional wisdom-Woyane dictatorship is the worst thing that happened to the people of Ethiopia isn’t true. It is
Lazy journalist and propaganda Medias
 the bottom feeders; opportunists, double thinkers and the willing ignorant that sustain Woyane that are worst. They are the natural habitat of tyranny; obstructing the struggle to end brutal and corrupt rule.

It is the norm in Africa where a military junta or insurgency group of one kind or another like Woyane to take over governments and turns into brutal and corrupt regimes. Our Ethiopia under Woyane is not different, in fact, looking at the magnitude of brutality and corruption, the data shows Ethiopia is on the top of the worst and bottom of the best index.  We haven’t even seen a fraction of the whole story yet.
Among natural habitat of Woyane dictatorship are those that claim to be journalist and Media outlets. Some obviously are part of the official propaganda outfits run by cadres carrying Citizenship of the free world. Since enough is said about these bottom feeders no need to waste more time. Like anything that comes and go with tyranny they will disappear when Woyane is no more.
But, the opportunist, the double thinkers and the willing ignorant journalists and Media outlets peddling for Woyane are an obstruction to freedom and the struggle for democracy. Instead of seeking the truth to help institute democratic rule once and for all; they always take the low road to mislead, withhold or skirt the truth as their standard operation. In the process, they prolong the life of tyranny thus, the misery of the people.
Journalism and Media is a serious business. Just because one can scrub or cut and paste something or put up a website to peddle their interest or pushes propaganda dose not make them journalists or Media. The task of journalist seeking the truth in the public interest calls for integrity; to put the public interest above anything else, courage; to confront tyrants and criminals to put them where they belong and professionalism; to win public trust. The profession demands defending the public interest at all cost.
The third President of the United States, Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) said it best.
“Were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate for a moment to prefer the latter.”
What he meant was a government, even an elected one as the US without the free press is noting but tyranny in the making. Frankly, in Ethiopian case, we don’t need a government, especially a government like Woyane. Knowing Ethiopians, we can do fine with the free press alone.
In contrast, the best bottom feeder journalists can do is only Woyane’s propaganda rubbish that serves them in is good enough for the rest of the people.  Talk about living on borrowed time.
The U.S. humorist, writer, and lecturer Mark Twain (1835-1910) wrote:
“There are only two forces that can carry light to all the corners of the globe… the sun in the heavens and the Associated Press down here”.
He was referring to the first American News Agency founded in May of 1846 organized as a New York not-for-profit corporation. Associated Press (AP) operates 243 news bureaus, and serves at least 120 countries, with an international staff located all over the world, according to Wikipedia.
What Twain meant was, without the free press we are all walking zombies in the darkness under the mercy of tyranny; not knowing what is happening to us and where we are going.  Almost 150 years later since these two Western icons made history Ethiopians are still in darkness, thanks for the bottom feeder journalists pandering for Woyane tyranny; that, unfortunately showed up in the era of the Information Revolution. What do our contemporary bottom feeders that call themselves journalist or Media outlets do; cheer on the worst tyranny that run the only Media in the country in the 21st century. They show no integrity, courage or professionalism peddling for small time tyrant. The saddest thing of all is they enjoy the freedom afforded to them with 1000s of Media choices in the free societies they live what they deny their fellow compatriot at home. Talk about living in a bubble.
You see, when journalists and Media outlets in the free world strive to seek the truth at all cost, our bottom feeder journalist celebrate the rubbish coming for tyranny that pushes propaganda to make us believe Woyane is an elected regime by 99.64 %. Talk about adults in a dipper.
At the mean time, those brave journalists that spoke out end up in jail or exiled for telling the truth; Woyane is noting more than a modern day ethnic terror network that is corrupt to its hilt. Talk about al-Qaida in East Africa,

Monday, February 18, 2013

Blinded in one eye, Gen Samora Yenus has become a walking coffin

The Horn Times update 18 February 2013

by Getahune Bekele, South Africa

The ragtag TPLF army’s chief-of-staff, the semi-lunatic Gen Samora Yenus is just moments away from meeting his maker
Gen Samora Yenus
 as volley of attacks by opportunistic infections continue to ebb away his life.

Since the Horn Times Ethiopian sources revealed his medical condition, the genocidal warlord and notorious child molester has shed lots of weight and at the Feb 14, 2013 armed forces day celebration he appeared looking like a scare crow rather than a five star military commander.
The Horn Times also watched the miserable former bandit being helped to his feet by defense minister Siraje Fagegsa and TPLF mouth piece Kassa Tekleberhan.
Updating on his condition, our sources from Bella military referral hospital in Addis Ababa told the Horn Times that the corrupt terror
Mastermind has lost the service of his left eye to AIDS related infection called Herpes Zoster, the same virus that causes chickenpox.
However, most worrying to his doctors is the other sinister- sounding infection which took up residence in the eye, Cryptococcus Neoformans; this virus only appears when a full blown AIDS sufferer becomes a walking coffin.
According to our sources, the development of these late stage eye infections are a grave sign that total blindness and then death is not that far off.
Moreover, as Samora Yenus’s body no longer fend off infections, currently he is receiving treatments for sore throat, fever, swollen lymph glands and  inflammation of the iris before heading back to Germany for an intense treatment of a painful neurological disease known as shingles.
The man who played a major role in the 2005 Addis Ababa genocide and who commandeered the TPLF army which committed bone chilling war crimes in Somalia in 2006, Samora Yenus is expected to arrive in Berlin before the end of February 2013 with strong possibility of dying  in foreign hospital like his dead master Meles Zenawi.

ውንጀለኛ ሊፈራና ሊሸማቀቅ እንጂ ሊያስፈራራ አይገባውም

የውጭውን አለም ከወያኔ ሰላዮችን ማጽዳት ቁጥር 2
ከዚህ በፊት የወያኔ ሰላዮችን ከውጭ አለም ማጽዳት በሚል አጭር መልእክት አስተላልፌ ነበር አሁንም ያንኑ በተመለከተ ተጨማሪ ማብራሪያና እና መረጃ ለመስጠት ይችን አጠር ያለች ጽሁፍ ማቅረብ ፈለግሁ።
ከዚህ በፊት እንደጠቀስኩት የወያኔ ሰላዮችም ሆኑ እበላ ባዮች የኢትዮጵያ መንግስት አሰረኝ፤ ገረፈኝ፤ አሰቃየኝ ብለው የስደተኝነት ጥያቄያቸው ተቀባይነት በገኘ ማግስት ከወያኔ
Ethiopian spy in London, UK
 ባለስልጣናትና ኢምባሲ ሰራተኞች ጋር ሲሞዳሞድ እና ሌሎች በትክክል ወያኔ አላኖር ብሏቸው የተሰደዱትን ሲተናኮሉ ይገኛሉ። ከዛም አልፈው እገልሀላሁ በሚል ዛቻ እያሰፈራሩ መሆኑን አይተናል፡ የስደተኛ ተቀባይ ሐገራት ህጎች በትክክል እንዳሰፈሩት ማንም ሰው ዋሽቶ ጥገኝነትን መጠየቁ ከተረጋገጠ ወዲያው ከሀገር እንዲወጣ ይደረጋል ይላል።

አንድ ግለሰብ የወያኔ መንግስት በፖለቲካ አመለካከቴ፤ በዘሬ፤ በሃይማኖቴ እና የመሳሰሉትን ምክንያቶች አቅርቦ አላኖር አለኝ ብሎ የፖለቲካ ጥገኝነት ከጠየቀ ያ መንግስት እስካልተቀየረ ድረስ ችግሩ እንዳለ ነው ተብሎ ስለሚታመን ወያኔ በሚያዘጋጀው ስብሰባ ላይ መገኘት፡ በወያኔ ካድሬወችም ሆነ ደጋፊዎች በሚዘጋጁ የድጋፍ ሰልፎች ላይ መገኘት፡ የወያኔ ባለስልጣናት ባዘጋጁት ድግስና ስብሰባ ላይ መገኘት፡ በሁለት መልኩ ሊታይ ይችላል፡
  1. ያ ግለሰብ ምንም ብሎ ይመጣ የወያኔ ሰላይ ነው ወይም
  2.  ጥገኝነት ሲጠይቅ ያቀረባቸው ምክንያቶች ውሸት ናቸው፡
ከሁለት አንዱ ሆነው ከተገኙ ደግሞ የሀገራቱን ህግ ተላልፈዋል፡ አገራቸውም ቢገቡ ምንም ችግር እንደማይገጥማቸውና ፊትም ችግር እንዳልነበረባቸው ስለሚያመለክት ተመልሰው አገራቸው መግባት አለባቸው።
በነጻው አለም እንደዚህ አይነት ሰዎች በምንም መልኩ ጨቋኙን የወያኔ አገዛዝ ሊያጠናክሩብን አይገባም፡ እንደዚህ አይነት ሰዎችን ለሚመለከተው ከፍል ጥቆማ መስጠት የዜግነትና የህሊና ግዴታ ነው፡ ጥቆማ የምትሰጧቸው ክፍሎች ማንነታችሁን እንደማይገለጹና በሚስጥር እንደሚጠብቁት በድጋሜ ላረጋግጥላችሁ አፈልጋለሁ፡ ከዚህ ቀደም እንደገለጽኩት፡ በግል ኮምፒዩተራቸሁ መረጃ መስጠት ካልፈለጋችሁ ህዝብ መጻህፍት ቤት ወይም ኢንተርኔት ካፌ ተጠቅማችሁ መረጃውን ማስተላለፍ ትችላላችሁ፡ አሁንም ደግሜ አደራ የምለው ግን በግል ቂም ወይም በተወሰነ የህብረተ ሰብ ክፍል ያነጣጠረ እንዳይሆን አደራዬ የጠበቀ ነው።

ባለፈው ካሰፈርኳቸው አድራሻዎች በተጨማሪ በማጭበርበር የተፈቀደላቸውን ሰዎች በመረጃ በቀጥታ ለሚመለከተው ክፍል ለማስተላለፍ፡

1.  በአውስትራሊያ፡ Immigration Dob-in Service፡
3.  በዪናይትድ ስቴትስ፡ Immigration Fraud (Illegal Aliens
ከዚህ በተጨማሪ የማስፈራራት ወይም የወንጀል ድርጊት እንቅስቃሴ ሲያጋጥማችሁ ያለምንም ይሉኝታ በቀጥታ ለሚመለከተው ክፍል ጥቆማ ማድረግ ያስፈልጋል፡  ወንጀለኛ ተደብቆና ተሸማቆ መኖር ሲጠበቅበት በእብሪት ተወጥሮ ሃቀኛ ኢትዮጵያውያንን ለመግደል ማሴር፤ አገልሃለሁ እያሉ ማቅራራት ምን ይባላል፡ “ባለቤቱን ካልናቁ አጥሩን አይነቀንቁ” ይላል ያገሬ ሰው።

በየሃገራቱ ሪፖርት ለማድረግ እነዚህን አድራሻዎች ተጠቀሙ።