by Getahune Bekele, South Africa
The ragtag TPLF army’s chief-of-staff, the semi-lunatic Gen Samora Yenus is just moments away from meeting his maker
as volley of attacks by opportunistic infections continue to ebb away his life.
Since the Horn Times Ethiopian sources revealed his medical condition, the genocidal warlord and notorious child molester has shed lots of weight and at the Feb 14, 2013 armed forces day celebration he appeared looking like a scare crow rather than a five star military commander.
The Horn Times also watched the miserable former bandit being helped to his feet by defense minister Siraje Fagegsa and TPLF mouth piece Kassa Tekleberhan.
Updating on his condition, our sources from Bella military referral hospital in Addis Ababa told the Horn Times that the corrupt terror
Mastermind has lost the service of his left eye to AIDS related infection called Herpes Zoster, the same virus that causes chickenpox.
However, most worrying to his doctors is the other sinister- sounding infection which took up residence in the eye, Cryptococcus Neoformans; this virus only appears when a full blown AIDS sufferer becomes a walking coffin.
According to our sources, the development of these late stage eye infections are a grave sign that total blindness and then death is not that far off.
Moreover, as Samora Yenus’s body no longer fend off infections, currently he is receiving treatments for sore throat, fever, swollen lymph glands and inflammation of the iris before heading back to Germany for an intense treatment of a painful neurological disease known as shingles.
The man who played a major role in the 2005 Addis Ababa genocide and who commandeered the TPLF army which committed bone chilling war crimes in Somalia in 2006, Samora Yenus is expected to arrive in Berlin before the end of February 2013 with strong possibility of dying in foreign hospital like his dead master Meles Zenawi.
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