August 18, 2013
truth is, there is no glory associating with a dying criminal regime
and everybody knows it. The most you gain out of it self-incrimination
that would hunt you the rest of you life until justice catches up with
you. Noting you do would prevent the unavoidable demise of Woyane,
noting. It is the fact every Woyane stooge must understand and live with
until the end. The best one can do is abandon the criminal regime;
sooner than later.
by Teshome Debalke
news Ethiopian Satellite Television Network (ESAT) called for a town
hall meeting of all Ethiopian political parties, civic society and
activist to discuses the pressing issues of our people is another
breakthrough that call for celebration. Personally, I am ecstatic. The
long awaited public meeting in the history of our people finally going
to happen. Now Ethiopians can seriously begin addressing the problems of
our people once-and-for-all. It is like being ‘born again’; not to run
away from our past as many of our contemporaries do but, to take
personal responsibility for our bad behaviors.
As I said before, ‘ESAT is the best thing that happened to Ethiopians since the Adwa victory’
and we haven’t seen anything yet. I can confidently say real
Ethiopians know what I am talking about. The convenient Ethiopians,
especially those that tag along with Woyane are confused bunches; afraid
their love affair will end soon with the dishonorable Woyane. Lost like
a hapless mistress in the middle of the night watching the door to hear
the fate of her lover.
Naturally, undermining ESAT comes from the
same people that live in a bubble with Woyane’s fairytale. The truth is
so powerful even the Woyane Communication Minster is scared and running
like a frightened rabbit when his phone rings. Instead of facing the
truth the hapless Woyane is sending its goons after the messengers of
the truth. When that isn’t possible; altering the truth became second
nature to Woyane.
With all honesty, not too many people understand
the impact truth telling would have on the mind of many that have been
feed fairytales most of their lives. Ever since mass-media was
introduced we as people have been deprived of the truth so-much-so the
dishonorable Woyane made some of us believe we don’t exist as